A satirical take on the mundane absurdities of life in modern-day Iran, these nine vignettes illuminate the lighter side of enduring under authoritarian rule. Whether choosing a name for a newborn, graduating from grade school, getting a driver’s license, applying for a job, or seeking approval for a film script, if you live in Iran, you best come fluent in Orwellian discourse. Progressing along a rough timeline from birth to death, each story is shot in a static camera angle as a single petitioner negotiates with an authority figure hovering just outside of frame, who is practiced in the language of doublespeak.
داستان زندگی روزمره مردمی از طبقات گوناگون ایران امروز را روایت میکند که به دلیل شرایط موجود با محدودیتهایی که به آنها تحمیل شده دست و پنجه نرم میکنند…
besiar mozakhraf va yek tarafe
آشغال بود
ashghal bood