Bemani has spent ten years in jail for killing her husband. Her child was taken away in prison and allegedly given to her husband’s family. Temporarily released, she immediately starts looking for her son. Bemani goes to the car demolition workshop where Ebi, her brother-in-law, works, but he claims not to know anything about the boy’s fate. She finds out, however, that it was Ebi who sold the child to a rich family. Bemani tries to extract more information from the workers of the demolition shop, but they demand an indecent favour in return for the information. As a desperate mother, she is prepared to go to the extremes, but not in the way the men are hoping for.
How much dark and annoying, we require happy movies with hope nowadays
مزخرفترین فیلم وقت ابدا تلف نکنین، کل دیالوگای تمام بازیگرا ۳ خط نیست موضوع تکراری همینقد بگم که یه زن ۳ تا مرد وتو ۳ روز میکشه و میندازتشون تو دستگاه پرس با یه تفنگ چوبی هیچکدوم هم نمیفهمن نشون هم نمیده!!! و از ۸۰ دقیقه فیلم قشنگ ۶۰ دقیقه ماشین اثقاطی و سگ و جاده میبینین خدایی تو توهم خالص هم باشی نمیشه حتی ایجو چیزیو تصور کنی بعد چطوری ساخته میشه ایجو فیلمای مزخرف؟!!!